Other's Explanations
Oh, that's just Darth Wader.
Even the dark side of the force is not strong enough to separate salt from water.
Darth Vader continues his evil plot to desalinize the world's oceans, one Brita jug at a time.
Damn Steam-powered Death Star.
Global warming on Hoth.
Come to the Seaside!
George Lucas couldn't explain this scene from Star Wars 7 either...
If you only knew the power of the seaside...
"I'm refueling the force"
Emperor Palpatine's request to turn the tide of battle was taken a little too literally by his must trusted executor
It Just Is... -
deleted scene.
"That's just Darth Wader" nearly made me piss my pants.
"Take out the garbage" she says, "wash your tie fighter" she says, "get the baby water" she says. What about me!?! Huh?!? When do, I---, get some respect. ... Sniveling brat...
Star Wars Episode 7: The Empire Kicks Back.
Darth Water
no water filters on death star?
Vaporizing the planet Hoth doesn't mean you don't have to filter before drinking.
Darth Vader was deffo a thirsty kirsty that day
"If you wan't something done right the first time..."
Sense - This picture has none.
Its a guys wearing a darth vader suit, standing in the ocean pouring water from a filtered jug into another jug.
Jedis need water too!
Why he can't use his force?
May be Darth is trying to make sea cleaner...
He was a Jedi master instructed to never come to Mexico... and to never drink the water. He thought a filter would save him from the dark side of the farce. It did not.
some times you have to filter your pee force or no
Follow the adventures of the evil king:DARTH WATER !!!!
Damn startroopers, allways forget to pay the bill of the water..
what? Darth Vater filling a bottle. Everyday normal shit.
come to the dark side >:D we got cookies >:3
Apparently the Empire has a water shortage
dark vader is trying a new oil to run on the star of death...
hey.. even darth vader needs vacations.
Brita, don't fail me again!
IMMA CHARGING MA bottle of water.....
Time for some fuel. Darth Water.
Because even galactic destroyers need clean water
When the dark side fails, turn to Pur water purification products.
The hosepipe ban is a bitch, even for a lord
At least it's not coming from a black guy's mouth
What happens when Disney owns Starwars
man wtf! is darth vader who cares!
I don't care if he is my son - enough of this Luke Saltwater! enough!
this was a performance art piece from Pierre Huyghe. I'd suggest looking him up.
Due to budget cuts on the Death Star, this the only way to get water believe it or not.
Fuck Forgot the straw again!
The Force can do everything except fill Vaders water bottle!
i don't have a clue of what is darth doing in this one...
Darth Vader was out of water and he wanted clean water. Good thing he lives by a river
''i am making a invisible lightsaber whahahaha''!!!
"I find your lack of filtered water disturbing."
He needs filtered water for his breathing apparatus!
Darth Water he is.
What ? Can't Darth Vader just be thirsty and want clean water !?
Theres no water in space, you got to get if somewhere
aah noahhs ark has come for me!
Why he can't use his force?
Darth Water
Meanwhile in the Seaside...
Sense - This picture has none.
Stealing the Rebel's water was plan B
Use The Faucet!
there is no more water on a death star
Water, Water everywhere but not enough to........... THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE....drink
*facepalm* he is holding a water bottle... and a WATER FILTER! It makes perfect sense.... Sorry if I ruined the picture.
Vader uses Britta
Even the dark side cares about global warming!
Why couldn't they just have me pee in a cup instead.
Oh! iths darth vader!, nope it's chuck testa
Darth WATER se quedo sin laburo y hace extras en LOST!,, jaj
Darth Vader: What! The Death Star needs energy. And when i say energy, i mean boiled water.
The emperor needed some water for his pills! -
Luke, I am your filter
I didnt know they put water in the dark side cookies...
Hmm...I don't remember if i need one or two liters of water for my new death star...
i think he was trying to make water into wine..using the force. it doesn't seem to be working.
All of Holf melts for Vader.
"Should we tell him those things won't get the salt out?" "Nope."
It's the Director's Cut.
What's the difference between jelly and jam?
You can't jelly your cock down your girlfriends throat! -
Darth Water he is.
Oh! iths darth vader!, nope it's chuck testa
darth waiter XD
Even celebrities are helping clean up after the oil spill
No, I am your water.
Darth Wader's Star Water
maybe he's getting some cold water to cool the deathstars weapon system!
Oh, that's just Darth Wader.