Other's Explanations
KKK presents its new winter collection
ku klux klan had their clothes sent to the drycleaners.
These guys are FUCKED when those rabbit biches show up with their rapiers
this is what happens when it snows in hawaii
Every winter, the banana people return to our village....
"Oompha, loompah, doopidy doo..." The march of the Giant Yams had begun.
hutmen: they have mobile homes.
Wow, cousin itt seriously needs some pantene!
The entire family of Cousin It
meanwhile in finland
Seriously, there's not much to do in Wenatchee in winter.
ATTACK OF THE WALKING ASIAN HAYSTACKS: "Stacks, we have terminated Yokohama with barely an casualties. Next, we approach Kobe."
this is a new generation of kuklus klan!!!
a very clever interpretation of ski bunnies..
And here are the Kellogg's mini-wheats leaving Barry Bond's house.
Like finding a needle dick in a haystack
i had a dream like this once
hill billy version of the KKK
This is where your christmas tree goes when it dies.
The pacific islanders go to alaska 4
Wish I was the wiener inside the bun
Wiwat Chochoł!
Aliens from Uranus???
WTF when the hell do we get to the Kool-Aid !
Crristmas in Asia
2008 Hairy norwegian contest
Grug impersonation society's winter vacation
YES Frank....I know we're gay, but this way we can always say that we've actually been in the bush!
Migrating for the winter.
That's an old Japanese custom, where the men of the village dress as the spirits of the mountains and make a procession down the mountains to the shrine and then from house to house, mainly to celebrate the new year. If you don't believe me, look up "namahage" (Jap: Mointain Spirit) in Wikipedia.
Wiwat Chochoł!
jeebus, this site would be better without the comments.
I heard this place next door is a Non-Smoking establishment...maybe we'll be safer there.
I'm surprised nobody said the obvious: Hut hut hike.
Didn't I see this in Fantasia?
That dude only has one leg.
WTF when the hell do we get to the Kool-Aid !
Christmas trees trying to escape!
last years christmas trees are back 4 revenge!!!!!
They're marching as huts "hut hut hut hut"
now all we need is lots of gasoline and a lighter
so thats where last years christmas tree went...
Who do you think the bunnys are at war with? Duhh
Bunny vs. Cousin It -
ah man, just give me a match
if you get cold that what the match i gave you is for
We went for a straw.
The "Children of the Corn" all grown up
Presenting Steven Speilbergs 'Attack of the Carrot Roots!'
And that christmas the pines decided they wouldn't be used anymore...
The KKK had a Hawaiian night this january.
migratory hemp.
taniec chocholow po weselu Wyspianskiego
The bigfoot family FINALLY decided it was okay to be photographed.
The literal translation of the movie "Wicker Man" -
the annual metting of grugs
now all it needs to do is play that song when the Oompa Loompas come out
Silent Hill Part 2
Doesn't look like namahage to me. They would be wearing masks
Wow! Snow!
cousin it returns
KKK presents its new winter collection