Other's Explanations
With the economy hitting everyone, Disneyland had to make some slight adjustments.
Children wait here while Daddy goes and gets you some......ummm....ice cream. Yea, that's it!
FUCK. D: I read it..
this totally reminds me of the time i was giving my uncle a handjob
I can't read the other sign...
Someone complained about the first sign, so as a loophole, the establishment put up the bottom sign admonishing patrons not to read it. So that if someone complains of being offended, they can just tell them "Why were you reading our private signs despite warnings against doing so?" Really it's like spying on your mom and dad then complaining after you see them having sex.
Bill leaned against the pole because his legs got tired of looking for unattended children. Slow day. It happens.
Now you will get sued by signtology.
Let the small children come to me.
Now opening: Disneyland, North Korea
entrance to neverland ranch
Neverland ranch...?
wher the hell is my child???
Oh hey, it's finally getting warm out!
you just can't win here
Disney's secret policy to those "I cant find my mommy" Children.
Illiteracy is still a large problem in the US
Which sign?
We don't accept checks.
clearly a sign of someone who spends way too much time looking up stuff like this...Kinda like those 8balls who forward those email scam warnings from 2001.
one of the many benefits of free enterprise
I read it and then I lost the game
"PRIVATE SIGN DO NOT READ" cuz if you do your children will be unattended, and "UNATTENDED CHILDREN WILL BE SOLD AS SLAVES" P.S-captcha=of hormone
it's Walt Disney!
I knew going to Neverland Ranch would be a bad idea...
as seen in utah
Picture from a field trip by the Harvard Law School
agreed with the disneyland comment loled so hard xD
You wasn't supposed to read it!!!!! Didn't you read the sign? For fuck's sake.
children....we will give you 5 pounds....go give it to that man and tell him we want profits. then he'l take you to lots of places around the world!
dammit i read it.
Get your own handmade "MadeinchinaRanch" shirt at the frontdesk!!!!
Don't worry I won't read the other sign. -Covers eyes-
i cant read the word NOT
Explains why they blurred out the face of the perv in the background....
two of the most understandable signs in the U.S of A!
children lets play hide and seek! we will count here ;)
That old guy in the background looks kinda suspicious too me...
Everything comes with a disclaimer in the U.S.
With the economy hitting everyone, Disneyland had to make some slight adjustments.