Other's Explanations
at least the bear is wearing shorts...otherwise it would be a weird picture
polar bears face a bigger problem than global warming...
I could have lived the rest of my life without having seen this. >.<
That... that's my lawyer.
OMG black socks with white bear?!?
The Personal Private lives of .... I dont ****ing want to know
huh... i saw this on csi once.
Here I sit and Hesitate, should i shit, or masturbate ?
"What you looking at? Never seen real art before?"
Rule 34
look! boobies! on the wall!
I feel so horny now.
Mike Savage?
Be honest -does this diaper make me look fat???
Is he drinking polar bear milk?
Oh look! They have matching undies! They must be TWINS!
OMG! Use the same size of underwear!
know wonder Jelena Dokic got a new coach
Oh... uh... I thought you were coming back tomorrow, honey....
Unused Coca-cola ads #115
the evils of team building...
Hes sucking the fart outta those hot babes lol
uummmmmm,Bruce willis at church?
A fat guy in his boxers on a poler bear statue wearing the same boxers and drinking out of a bottle infront of a painting of topless chicks... or should I say friday night.
OMG!!!! That Painting Has Boobies In It!!!
I´m sexy and I know it. DUH*
is that my mom
sorry 4 the bear
What santy does when its not christmas
All Aboard the Polar Express!
That's just the inspiration I needed to paint my van!
The bet he is a hella rich defense lawyer or something like that making over 7 figures a year. Pays alot of money for his sick little fitshest
This is the result of no boundaries for what art is...
Anyone else stop lookin at the freaky man baby and whats in that painting?
Living the American Dream
Ummmm,Bruce willis at church?
No time to explian get on te bear!
Did anyone else notice the painting on the wall with the abstract shirtless women?
so cute
Got milk?
The goggles ... they do nothing! NOTHING!
mmm... milky milky
even more curious tale of BENJAMIN BUTTON!
Because Harley Davidson are now to mainstream for Hell's Angel member.
Furries. What more is there to explain?
An unbearable picture!!!
"well we noticed each other in the changing room, we had the same underwear and since then we're lovers, yep, crazy isn't it?"
The Second Coming of Christ.
Whats with the black socks??
why is the polar bear wearing goggles?
If you can explain this ... I have bad news for you.
uhm... it's exactly what it looks like
I love how the guy is being sexual and stuff while the bear is just innocently admiring the art on the walls.
...And Jesus said to Nicodemus "To enter the kingdom of heaven, you must be born again"
Global Warming.
Some like Twinkies. We love Bears!
never mix your schizo medication with vodka & coke.
Do you want milk?
why the hell is the bear wealing oxyfuel cutting goggles (welding goggles)????
Father, I am confuse.
autistic art. that is all.
Mum, Dad is drinking my milk, So what? Son of a bitch... I will revenge
the bundy bear was extremely lost
at least the bear is wearing shorts...otherwise it would be a weird picture