Other's Explanations
From such humble beginnings arose Cirque Du Soleil.
i ask if we can celebrate Easter in a different way every year, but dad insists this is tradition.
Season 74...Survivor, West Kentucky
Napoleon Dynamite Makes A Porno
what, hasn't anyone here been to Burning Man?
the card of the tarot "le diable": http://horoscopotarothoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/diable-en-tarot-marsella.jpg
Lord of the Flies: The Later Years
THis is a Tarot thing dude, a stupid one
Marilyn Manson - senior year
just a human tragedy !
With this as their wedding, you wouldn't BELIEVE what the reception was like ;)
The Wrestler 2: budget version.
Gay pride parade was really big this year in Alabama.
so i heard there was this new tarot deck
Try outs for the new cast members of Glee!
HOLD UP! HOLD UP! Which way to the Dave Matthews concert?
Now presenting... THE HUMAN TAMER!
I am the king of these two bitches..... At least until Monday morning. Lol
Trying out for the new cast of Glee
The sequel of lost
Just another Scientology mixer....
What is there to explain? Lord, dont tell me this sin't normal.
BAPHOMET or the Devil in rhe Tarot
the guy in the middle has a boner
"oh, and this is me first time being audited in our scientology chapel... good times..."
holy f*ck what kind of tree is that!
The guy in the middle is the devil, the guys in the sides are the slaves of lust, Tarot 6th card. Devil atempt, epic fail!
Tarot Arcana 6th, FAIL
lol boner
The gay guy is a slavetrader and the girl is kinda hot
The wiley and elusive "people of walmart" in their natural habitat
From such humble beginnings arose Cirque Du Soleil.