Other's Explanations
You can't get in the closet with a bottle of beer in your hand. Challenge accepted.
This is where we'll put the keg, i've been keg standing like this for hours to make sure the conditions are optimal.
Tetris fever strikes again!
dont try this at home...even if you really want to
Grolsch... ugh,pardon me.
darth vader is obviously in the room
TUBORG: The new dope for athletes!
Just letting the farts out
See? This is why space ****ing sucks.
REALLY drunk planking..
See? The ketchup comes out better if you stand it like this.
ive never been that drunk!
not all yoga is good for you...
Trying to get in the damn closet!
Why is everything upside down?
Hey check out what I learned in my girlfriend's bikram yoga class
This isn't exactly how I normally picture closet drinkers
You can't get in the closet with a bottle of beer in your hand. Challenge accepted.